Global Environment Facility (GEF) / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) – Green Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC)]; 2018 – 2019
Appointed by SEDA to undertake the above-mentioned studies funded by UNDP and GEF through a competitive open tender selection process. Our team has developed proprietary methodology based on inclusive participation from targeted stakeholders to compile relevant data, information and lesson learnt/best practices. We have crafted innovative financing mechanism to address low carbon bus commercialisation case reference based on Business to Customers (B2C), Business to Business (B2B), Business to Government (B2G) models to create low carbon business case in Malaysia’s context. Our consultants have also facilitated multiple discussion session with various target stakeholders i.e government agencies (MIDA, SPAD/APAD, local authorities etc), commercial bank, development financial institutions, technology providers, stage bus operators (Prasarana Malaysia) etc to achieve the optimum qualitative and quantitative data compilation for the purpose of the study.
Uni-Link Smart Venture Sdn Bhd was established in March 1999 as a university graduate entrepreneur joint venture company with Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd., the commercial arm of the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) under its incubator programme.
Track Record in National Project
Consultancy Study for Malaysia Government & Industry